Linggo, Marso 25, 2012

Critical Commentary: Pagsasakatutubo (AETA!!)

Indigenous, yes thats a term that can best describe the Philippines before the Spanish discovered us. I always ask myself what if we were never found by the Spanish? Would we be as civilized as we are today? That we will never know.

It takes alot of pride for a Filipino to call himself one, there are many factors today that may degrade us but if you think deeply, there are many factors that can change that outlook as well. We are not savages, we were never meant to be savages, it was destiny and God's will that the Spanish were brought to us and to teach us how to live civilized lives and have proper faith in God. In my opinion, a good reason of why we are still a third world country is because we seem to have no or little confidence in ourselves, that must not continue if we want to grow as a country and as a people. There are many things we can be proud of, our survival instincts, our hospitality, our passion for sports like boxing and basketball, our continued plan for disciplined education, and much more. The Filipino can be a sheer dominant force in the world today if we have the drive and determination to.

If an American man comes up to you and asks you "What does it feel like living in the Philippines?", most answers will be "Life is hard", "Its too hot", etc. I think the best possible answer there is "Theres no place like home". We should stop comparing ourselves to other cultures and we should just concentrate on how we can develop our own because we are naturally hard working and honest people, its because of modernism that we came to be like this but i believe it can still change. I would like to conclude this post by saying "If a man's car breaks down the road, Americans would pass by, Europeans would watch, but a Filipino will go down his car and assist the person".

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