Linggo, Marso 25, 2012

Aerobics Culture

Aerobics culture, a great way to exercise.
When we watched Aerobics in action in SM (too bad didnt bring a camera), i was not surprised to see that it was full of women. Aerobics is naturally a womans sport but it is not limited to that. This is a great way to exercise because it affects your entire body and not concentrating only on weight loss but also on conditioning, form and proper body toning. 

It was interesting to see how many people were very active, its nice to know that getting in shape was still a priority for other Filipinos. There were two destinations for Aerobics observation, the mall and a gymnasium(UP LOS BANOS).
I noticed that there were more participants in the gymnasium, i concluded that maybe people were just shy to show their physique off in public and were more comfortable inside a proper gymnasium where they can go all out and not have to worry about what the people going around are thinking (its safe to say that Filipinos are a very observant type of people even if it comes to a point that they are already being rude). 
While in UP Los Banos, we observed that there were more men present than there were in the mall. Maybe not because they were shy but perhaps it was because that the people in UP were more serious and not casual, i mean, a mall is a place of leisure while a school is a place of work, that dictates the difference between the cultures. This goes to show that Aerobics is not merely a sport but also a culture because you cannot generalize the people that are taking aerobics, there is also a variety in them and how they perform.

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