Linggo, Abril 1, 2012

Cultural Product Analysis: WERE THE WORLD MINE

Were The World Mine, this is a movie/musical about homosexual empowerment. It is centered on a man named Timothy who is an openly gay student at a private boy's school. Timothy is already a senior and he has a crush on the rugby team captain Jonathan, despite being a constant target of bullying by the team. Timothy lives with his mother who has still not yet accepted his sexual confusion and is even more pressured because Timothy's father is absent in his life (no fatherly guidance).
Timothy is cast as Puck in the senior production of A Middsummer Nights Dream. While reviewing his lines, he discovers the recipe for creating the flower love in idleness. Timothy uses the flower to have the homophobic town take a "walk in his shoes". The entire town is thrown into chaos as previously heterosexual community members fall in love with their same-sex friends, bosses, and co-workers: whomever they first saw after being sprayed by the flower. The school drama teacher, Ms. Tebbit guides Timothy towards the question of whether his actions have caused more harm than good.

This movie is entirely about Gay Empowerment because it shows how it is to be in the life of a homosexual. The movie perfectly showed how the world is today with homosexuals, they are bullied, mistreated, looked down upon and more worse things. The movie showed that being a homosexual isnt a mere choice, its a nature. This part was perfectly shown when Timothy made everyone a victim of the love-in-idleness flower. This way people were able to experience the nature of homosexuality at first hand.  This was a great way to empower homosexuals, because in my opinion, the only way a person will ever realize something is if they have actually experienced it.

Homosexuals are normal as can be, they are not abnormal, it is how they were born, you cannot blame them for being physically attracted to the same sex, at the same time you cannot merely change a homosexuals outlook of life through force, they have survived the harshest punishments and sexists and now they are stronger than ever with their fight for equality. That is why accept them for who they are, because they are our brothers and sisters and they deserve a place in this world where they can live in comfortably.

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